Our second year of this project started with a teachers meeting in Slovenia. The goal of the meeting was to both introduce new teachers into our project and work methods and also to write our interim report.
The transnational meeting took place for two days. The main goal was to write the interim report together. The partners all have different dates to submit the report, but it felt very important to all of us to do this work together. We also used the time for more detail planning of the next meetings in Sweden, Island and Portugal. The transnational meeting was a great place to align all the partners, to talk about different ways to implement our project in our schools and to talk about expanding our collaboration within other areas. New ideas and creativity always flows through these meetings.
The joined staff training event was held at the same time as the transnational meeting. And many of the coordinators stayed after the transnational meeting was over. The joined staff training event was primarily to introduce new teachers in to our project. The teachers got to test our work method with worksheets, Wikiloc and team work. The topic of the training event was geological and geographical. We got to climb Hudournik, a high point in the area, to look out over the landscape to identify different tectonically phenomena, we did water samples and analysis of the quality, we went in to the caves of Skojcan. We also had some time to look at the cultural geography of Slovenia. We learned more about how the mercury production transformed the city of Idrija and how Ljubljana architecture has evolved.
The meeting was a great success. We all had a wonderful time together, learning new things, trying new didactic methods and enjoying the company of new and old friends! This was a very good start to our second year of the project ROOTS!